Bedbugs, mice, cockroaches: how to get rid of them?

Pests proliferate, their numbers are constantly increasing. So much so that the magazine “60 Millions de consommateurs” devotes a special issue to it.

Rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bed bugs, all this little world has apparently been proliferating for a few years. Nearly two out of three French people have already been confronted with these critters, according to a survey by the Ipsos Institute. The number of people affected has doubled between 2017 and 2021. Amine Meslem, head of special editions at 60 Million consumershas just devoted a special issue to this very significant phenomenon on pests.

franceinfo: Do ​​we know why there are so many harmful ones, given that their number is on the rise today?

Amine Meslem: So indeed, most of the so-called harmful species are on the rise. The top three pests are rats, bed bugs and mosquitoes. And by way of example, for example, the City of Paris devotes an annual budget of 1.5 million euros to deratization, and bedbugs, which are also a subject of major concern. Specialists estimate that this particularly dreaded insect currently infests 400,000 to 500,000 sites in France.

So how do you explain that?

This proliferation is partly explained by changes in our lifestyles. There are more and more water points which encourage, for example, the proliferation of mosquitoes. The fact that we also take our meals more and more often outside, that we have lunch outside, also promotes the development of rats. International trade can also lead to the introduction of exotic species, such as the Asian hornet.

And global warming also has a role or not?

Yes of course. The fact that there are milder autumns and winters benefits certain species which remain active much longer, such as mosquitoes. The increase in temperatures also leads to extending the geographical distribution of certain species towards the north. This is the case, for example, of the pine processionary caterpillars, which were previously confined to the south of France, and which are now found as far away as the Paris region and Normandy.

So when we say harmful, it’s not quite true, because they participate in a global ecosystem. Some have a use. But still, what are the ways to eradicate them? What are the most effective products? This is the subject of your investigation.

So there is a whole range of solutions, which range from mechanical means of control to insecticides and oral anti-sites, that is to say products that kill rodents. And this without risking poisoning. Because 70% of the products we studied present a significant risk to human health.

And more than 75% of the products also contain substances that are harmful to the environment, with long-term harmful effects, which are due to the stability of the chemical molecules which degrade very slowly. So they can be particularly toxic for aquatic organisms, in particular, and for bees.

Many of the products we studied also contain substances that are dangerous for pets. Substances, for example pyrethroids, are substances whose names end in “thrins” such as permethrin, flumethin, and which can cause many adverse effects in cats. And then there are some dogs that are also very sensitive to the toxicity of another substance called abamectin.

Where are they found? Where are these products sold over the counter?

At the moment, yes, they are indeed over the counter, but maybe not for a very long time. Because the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety, ANSES, recommends, in an opinion published on November 16, 2022, to prohibit the self-service sale of insecticides and rodenticides to individuals.

So you can treat it yourself or hire a professional. How to choose well? And already, is it expensive?

Yes, it is expensive. For example, for bed bugs, it takes an average of 600 euros for chemical treatments and treatments. As for the rodent, it can be from simple to double, depending on whether you choose poisoned bait of the order of 300 euros or systems of swatters in secure boxes with electronic traps where you can climb to 700 euros.

In some cases, you have to call in the professionals. To choose them well, you must contact at least three companies to compare services and prices. And then also look at how the entrepreneur behaves. A serious, experienced contractor will ask you questions to verify, and he will possibly ask you for photos. He will explain his procedure to you, and the possible options, and ideally, he must travel to establish the diagnosis.

Last thing in terms of prevention, is there anything to know?

So, yes, there are a lot of things to know. I can’t name them all, but there is a set of measures to adopt depending on the pest. For mosquitoes, for example, it is essential to remove all stagnant water points, such as containers where rainwater or watering can accumulate, for example, if only the cups under the pots Plant. To avoid bringing moths, you must already check that the foods you buy in bulk do not contain small larvae. You will find all these prevention tips in our special issue.

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