Guest of franceinfo, Emmanuel Grégoire also asked the State on Friday to quickly organize “pest control meetings”, because feedback from the field shows that the phenomenon is growing.
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Emmanuel Grégoire, first deputy mayor of Paris, proposed on Friday September 29 on franceinfo to integrate “to the home insurance contract” the risk of being infected with bedbugs “to ensure that no one gives up treatment because there is no money”. The city of Paris asks the State to quickly organize “basics of pest control”. “It worries us because it is an invasive species. Like all invasive species, if we do not address the problem at the root, the risk is that we will collectively be overwhelmed”he explained.
>> Bedbugs: eleven tips to protect yourself (and get rid of them)
Bedbugs infect private homes, but also public spaces. However, many modest tenants do not treat their apartment: “It’s too expensive, so people give up treating their apartment and once their apartment is infested, it contaminates neighboring apartments”, underlines Emmanuel Grégoire. The City of Paris is responsible for measures to eradicate bedbugs in apartments for the most modest households. “It seems important to me, this financial aid measure.”
“Start a dialogue with insurers”
Emmanuel Grégoire, does not want “fall into psychosis” but feedback from the field shows that the phenomenon is growing. He calls on the State to “activate a certain number of subjects to ensure that we act as quickly and effectively as possible”.
“It’s hell when you find yourself confronted with that” And “It’s obviously more problematic for low-income households”, continues the elected official. He wishes “the clarification of who has responsibility between the tenant and the owner and engaging in dialogue with insurers because we really need to remove this financial constraint which means that many people do not treat and that ends up contaminating the neighbors”.