Become a beekeeper or simply love bees by Eveline Bouillon

In the Paris region, it is a real movement to protect bees, which is asserting itself with the help of the municipalities.

So in Sèvres, Neuilly-sur-Seine, or Issy les Moulineaux for example, the municipalities dedicate land to beekeeping. Globally in the Paris region, the municipalities have made enormous progress: many no longer use chemicals to kill weeds, they are doing good ecological things.

But if, as an individual, we want to protect bees, what to do?

The first thing to do is to choose gardening products that are compatible with the bees in your garden.
Better, if you are interested in bees you can install a hive but for that Isabelle Aimonetti beekeeper and trainer in Paris advises us to take lessons.

Oh yes and why?
Because it is not enough to buy a beehive and plant / place it in your garden. You have to know the right gestures to practice beekeeping that respects everyone, both humans and Hymenoptera, you have to become the shepherd of bees, maintain them, they can get sick …

The most pleasant and profitable is to learn in a group, to help each other, to create a knowledge network because the questions are common and the needs too.

And does it work?
Yes, there are even collective apiaries that are set up everywhere in IDF, which allows you to make your own honey. Honey in the Paris region is analyzed regularly and it has no trace of pollution or heavy metals found. Honey from lime blossom or mixed flowers is produced.

It is a blessing for the bees and for oneself because practicing beekeeping is almost yoga, you enter the world of bees, their rhythm and this allows you to have an excellent moment of zenitude.
To find out more, type: to become Happy! farmer.

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