Be proactive! Let your mustache grow

What is “Prostache”?

November is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. For the occasion, Provence
and its partners (French Association of Urology
doctors from Provence and the League against Cancer
) are launching the “Be Prostachian” campaign. The goal is simple: to encourage Internet users to wear a mustache by joining the “Moustachu(e)s Clan”. As they did – and the photo shows it! – the students of the Cosan 2 master’sAix-Marseille University School of Journalism and Communication
involved in this campaign.

Where to find us

3 conferences are organized in November and December:

  • Aix en ProvenceNovember 24 in a room of the Private Hospital of Provence with Professor David Barriol
  • Niceon December 7 with Professor Mathieu Durand, in a room made available by the city of Nice for MProvence and the association of urologists.
  • Closing at Marseilles, on December 13, in a room at the Palais de la Bourse, made available by Jean-Luc Chauvin and the CCI. This meeting will bring together 5 of the greatest Marseille urologists, in particular Eric Le Chevalier.
Aix-en-Provence, November 24 in a room at the Private Hospital of Provence with Professor David Barriol

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