“Be careful what you sell your soul for”, says Sandrine Rousseau to Yannick Jadot


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MP EELV / Nupes recalls during the debate between the two rounds of 2022, “neither Marine Le Pen nor Emmanuel Macron had read the IPCC report on the climate”. “One, two, three, five environmentalists in government” will not change anything, according to her.

“The job can be interesting, but be careful what you are selling your soul for”, declared Friday July 1 on franceinfo the deputy EELV / Nupes Sandrine Rousseau, addressing Yannick Jadot while Élisabeth Borne must submit in the coming hours names to Emmanuel Macron to form his new government, two weeks after the legislative elections . Yannick Jadot’s former opponent in the environmental primary considers that environmentalists are more “useful” in opposition “facing someone who does not understand the ecological issue”.

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“There may be one, two, three, five environmentalists in government, that will not change”believes Sandrine Rousseau. “It’s not a question of participation or personality who enters the government, it’s a question of conviction.” She recalls that “Nicolas Hulot could not do anything” when he entered the government as “major figure in ecology” in 2017 and that, during the 2022 inter-round debate, “neither Marine Le Pen nor Emmanuel Macron had read the IPCC report on the climate”. MP EELV does not believe in a government coalition contract either: “We need a President of the Republic who understands the environmental question a little bit.”

Pending the formation of the new government, Matignon has in any case confirmed that Elisabeth Borne will deliver her general policy speech on Wednesday but, like all of Nupes, Sandrine Rousseau continues to ask that the Prime Minister submit to a vote of confidence, which has not yet been decided by the executive. “It would make it possible to know if it has the legitimacy of Parliament to continue its missions”explains the Green MP. “We need a democratic debate” but “the objective is not to blow it up”she specifies even if she considers “likely” that the EELV deputies vote the motion of censure provided for by the Nupes. “But I don’t think it will pass since we have seen Marine Le Pen say that she will not make a motion of censure.”

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