Be careful but no health pass for Christmas mass in Périgueux

At the entrance to the cathedral, a table has been set up in front of the door. With hydroalcoholic gel. Moreover, we ensure that all the people who enter rub their hands well and wear their masks correctly. On the other hand, no health pass, and a health protocol similar to that of this summer.

“There has never been a cluster in churches”

It is a government measure. Despite the sharp rise in the number of contaminations, no restrictive measures have been taken in places of worship. The health protocol remains the same as this summer. Even though last Christmas, a separation of two chairs had to be respected between each family, this year, there is no gauge, no mandatory spacing.

Only certain rules have been kept. Wearing the mask throughout the ceremony, the prohibition on shaking hands or kissing during the gesture of peace, or for priests to give the host directly into the mouth. Completely sufficient rules for Catherine. “We are on benches, we turn our backs, and we wear the mask all the time. We take the host, we disinfect our hands … At no time do we have contact with others”, she argues. Moreover, there is very little contamination in the churches, reminds Father Christian Dutreuil, rector of the cathedral. “There was never a cluster in churches, except in an evangelical group, right at the start of the pandemic, but because it was in a gym and we were kissing, we stood by. the hand … Which we don’t do here. ”

“It’s like a concert. People are close to each other”

However, some parishioners are worried, and would even have preferred to be asked for the pass at the entrance. “There is no reason to make a difference with another place that receives the public”, Claire says indignantly. Especially since there are people in the church; several hundred people and among them children and the elderly. Anne-Sophie, doctor, adds: “It’s the same as a concert after all. People are still close to each other and for safety it’s still …”

For others like Clémence, establishing a health pass at the entrance would violate the principle of freedom of worship, which allows everyone to exercise their faith. Moreover, Father Christian Dutreuil reminds us that to vote either, there is no need for a health pass.

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