Medhi Martin, chef: the taste of transmission
His name is Nicolas Martin, he is 23 years old and he is doing work-study training at the restaurant Aux Délices des Papilles in Cormontreuil. He does not work in the kitchen but in the administration, management and communication of the company. His boss and chef of the restaurant is Mehdi Martin; he, too, had followed a sandwich course at his age. Don’t get me wrong, both have the same name but they are not related. Although ultimately a form of complicity has settled between them, and a respectful trust which led the chef to make this young man his right hand in his business. Listen to their testimony.
– Sebastien Gitton
In Circuit Bleu, Side flavors we never forget to give you some chef’s recipes! In this program, Mehdi Martin explains how to make a cauliflower cream, a creamy velouté that you can easily redo at home.