Once is not custom, there is not one but two winners of the traditional luminous parade of the Bayonne Festival which ended on the night of Sunday to Monday. “An exceptional cuvée, with the 90th anniversary of the Holidays, exceptional is also the result”, commented Henri Lauqué, president of the extra-municipal festival committee when unveiling the winners in the large living room of the Hôtel de Ville this Monday. 1st of August.
The jurors – 6 voters during the 1st parade on Saturday evening and as many on Sunday evening – failed to decide between two floats. Those of the Peña Baiona (the “China”) and the Euskaldun Buruak association (“the 70s”) come out on top with an average score of 16.95/20. For the record, the two teams were located side by side in the hangar during the long weeks of building the tanks.
For the two associations, it is indeed the reward of several months of work and many pitfalls to overcome. The theme of the luminous parade this year was that of the anniversary of the Holidays, the associations had the freedom to revisit a theme of the old parades.
– Thibault Vincent