Video length: 2 min.
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It is a jewel of technology. the bathybot is a small exploration robot, which will be deposited off Toulon (var). It should thus make it possible to discover the last secrets of the Mediterranean or to measure the impact of climate change.
His name is bathybot and until now, its environment was limited to the test basin. The small marine exploration robot will now be deposited off Toulon (var)at the bottom of an underwater plain. “The specificity of the bathybot is to be installed in a deep environment, at a depth of 2500 meters and above all to stay for a long time”. For this first experiment, the robot must thus remain submerged for two years in the seabed.
Connected to an undersea cable, the bathybot will be led by CNRS researchers. Thanks to a hypersensitive camera, the robot will be able to film the bioluminescent organisms. It will also be able to measure the long-term impact of climate change in deep environments.