Bastien (Koh-Lanta): The supposed condom, his ex, the worst moments off … The winner gives himself up (EXCLUDED)

After more than a month of adventure, Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem coming to an end. Tuesday June 21, 2022, TF1 broadcast the grand finale during which viewers discovered the names of the two winners: François and Bastien! Near, the rope access technician with an incredible career talks about his experience. His victory, his check for 50,000 euros, the place of his ex-girlfriend Charline, his dangerous job, the supposed condom found on the island, his weight loss… Bastien gives himself up without taboos.

How do you live this victory?

I lived it well! It was an incredible moment. Not unexpected because we are still three finalists so the chances were great. It’s a nice surprise, especially since this victory is shared with François. A big moment.

Have you counted the votes since the end of filming?

Yes of course. We had thought about who could be on our side, without really telling each other. Some remained very evasive, not revealing what they wanted to do. The result, we really discovered it on the set. The stress mounted at the end, the last bulletin was decisive for me.

What do you think of the fact that Géraldine chose François?

I find that normal. I thought she was going to do this. Because François had chosen her for his last comfort, he always took her a little under his wing with the reds and after reunification. It’s a choice that seems legitimate to me.

What went through your head when you realized you were going to the final?

I am happy ! At this moment, I tell myself that I have nothing more to do. My fate is in the hands of the final jury. I was moved because François chose me in relation to my values. I was satisfied that he saw that in me.

Do you understand that Jean-Charles was not chosen?

I can perhaps understand it in relation to merit. I love Jean-Charles but in the races he was a little below everyone else. He won the orientation and had a very good second place on the posts. But I think François felt that I was more deserving. It didn’t surprise me that much that he chose me.

If you had won the posts, who would you have liked to have as an opponent in the final council?

I would have seen Jean-Charles and François. Since the violets, we said to each other with Jean-Charles that we would like to go on the posts together. It’s a choice that would have been complicated for me I think at the time.

Some believe that François does not deserve his victory, what do you think?

He deserves just as much as everyone else. He has had an incredible journey. He has a crazy perseverance and mind. I was always very curious to meet him when I was in yellow. He was the first person I spoke to at reunification. We would go fishing together. He has very good values. If he is there it is not for nothing, especially since he has excelled both in survival and in trials.

During your comfort with Amber, a rose petal was mistaken for a condom by Internet users. How did you react to this story?

It makes me laugh. It’s to talk. I found out a week later. I don’t remember who sent me this thing asking me: “So, is it true with Ambre?” I said, “But stop!” I contacted Amber who told me that she didn’t mind, that she didn’t care. Because she’s been in a relationship for a while. If it had been a problem, I could have made a statement on social media or something like that. But ultimately, I prefer to let it flow. And then if I answer it, it will grow for nothing. As long as it stays good kid, it’s fine.

What was the best moment of your adventure?

These are moments that we have not necessarily seen on camera. Just before sleeping, we all meet. We discuss everything, a lot of food in particular, except adventure. These are moments of sharing. It led to somewhat zany discussions at times.

What was the worst moment?

It’s almost the same time, just after the best times in fact: the night. When everyone is silent and there is nothing more to do. We wait impatiently for the morning because we are cold, we sleep badly, it is raining, it is humid, there are small animals climbing on us… Really the worst moment at night.

How was the return to reality?

I would say pretty good, except from a physical point of view. I left the game last so I was thrown into the real world pretty quickly. It was hard to hold back with all the food options available to me. When I got back, I spent a week with my parents because it was impossible to do otherwise. There were quite a few supermarkets, bakeries… It was hard to hold me back.

You had lost 14 kilos. Did you take them back?

I picked up pretty quickly. In a month and a half, I regained 20 kilos. I gained 1 kilo every other day or so, regaining my healthy weight. And for the 5 extra pounds, it’s because I ate a lot of sugar.

What did you eat first on the way back?

In the adventure, I dreamed of eating lasagna. But in fact, sugar is increasingly lacking. I was dreaming of a huge nutella waffle! And I didn’t even eat it. The first thing I ate was fish and vegetables because I got sick. I had a kind of gastro. I was going to the bathroom way too often for it to be normal. It was hard when I saw all the other adventurers eating burgers, pizzas…

You seem close to your ex-girlfriend Charline…

We have a very sincere friendship. We get along very well now. She supported me for Koh Lanta, she’s the first to ask how things are going, to do episode debriefs… We call each other quite often. He is a person who is in my life from a friendly point of view, we have found our balance like that and it is great.

Some admirers would be interested… are you a heart to take?

Yes I am single. Afterwards, I am not a fan of meetings by interposed screens. It’s not my cup of tea. I’m not in restraint or envy, it’s feeling when I meet someone. I have no criteria. I do according to what the person releases (laughs).

You are a rope access technician. Have you ever had an accident?

It’s still a job I’ve been doing for not that long. I mostly heard feedback from people who have been working in it for several years. Some have lost friends, others have lost their arms. In fact, when there are accidents, it can be very dangerous. Last summer, I was helicoptered to a cliff every morning. During the day, many things can happen. The best thing is to be on the cleat on safety. It is a dangerous job but above all a passion job.

What are you going to do with your check for 50,000 euros?

I just want to help my parents. It’s been a while since I wanted to give them a nice gift. Maybe I’ll go on vacation with two or three friends. And keep the rest a little for me, to finance a project.

What are your projects ?

On July 14, I leave from the northern cape of Norway to Athens, towards Anne-Sophie’s, by bike. It’s 1500 kilometers, to be done in three, four months. Sacred project, to have beautiful legs and beautiful buttocks!

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