Basque-Landes singer David Olaïzola called “nazi” on social networks, he files a complaint

Called “nazi” for a song. David Olaïzola, Basque-Landes singer, fervent defender of Landes traditions, publishes on his social networks, the clip of his song “La campagnaise”, in which it defends the values ​​of rural Landes. “I called it ‘La campagnaise’ in connection with ‘La marseillaise’ to make people who come to our countryside understand that there are a few rules, a way of life, but above all to welcome them”explains David Olaïzola.

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A problematic comment

But in comment of the clip published on a Facebook group, a man writes one word: Nazi. “I didn’t understand straight away, I wondered what was going on. Afterwards, I answered him very cordially. I told him that I wouldn’t stop there. We can’t treat the Nazi people today, compared to the history of the country, of humanity. It is not possible.”

We now have a policy coming to our country where people are against hunters

For David Olaïzola, no doubt, he is a detractor of his songs and the values ​​they promote. “We now have a policy that is happening in our country where people are against hunters, against traditions. viewfinder”worries the musician. “It will all be very rough from next week in my opinion.” In other words, after the second round of legislative elections.

The singer confirms to France Bleu Gascogne, that he will file a complaint this Thursday against this man. The person concerned, has not yet responded to our requests.

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