Basketball Elite J13 – Limoges CSP: “if you take it easy with the team we have, it’s pointless to come and play”

Do not count on Nicolas Lang or his trainer Massimo Cancellieri to take the big head after the convincing victory of Limoges CSP last Sunday in the Principality of Monaco. At the time of receiving Fos-sur-Mer this Thursday in Beaublanc (8 p.m.) on behalf of the 13th day of the French basketball championship, captain limougeaud keeps his feet on the ground. “We won on Sunday. It’s still a very good game but there is no trophy. There is nothing. Calmos! If you take the ball after a victory with the team we have, drop it. It’s no use coming to play on Thursday“.

Cancellieri no longer wants to hear about Monaco

And it is not his coach who will say the opposite. “I want to forget this match very quickly because we are going to play one of the most difficult games of the season at home against Fos. I started to focus on them right after Sunday night’s meal. Everyone is talking about this match in Monaco. That’s why I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Yes we played, we won, well done but now, stop“warns Massimo Cancellieri. The Italian manager knows very well that the promoted led by Limougeaud Edouard Choquet has only one victory less than Limoges and is in a position to cause problems for his team.

We have to be humble in every game. This is our identity

Fos is a team with very experienced players who play good basketball. They play together. They have the 5th best defense in the championship. They fight in every game they win or lose, including against the big teams. We have to be super focused and we have to be humble in every game. This is our identity“explains the technician from Abruzzo.”They have a big scorer with Kromah on the wing who takes a lot of responsibility. Behind, I have the impression that everyone is playing well in their role. It tries things in defense. And it’s a very dangerous team on the counter attack. We will have to quickly come back to defense“warns Nicolas Lang who has the opportunity just before Christmas to bring the Limoges CSP into the positive for the 1st time of the season.

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