Base salary in 2022 | 216 state mandarins earn as much or more than Legault

(Quebec) No less than 216 state mandarins earn a base salary equal to or greater than that of Premier François Legault, which amounts to $196,193. By taking over as interim director of Horacio Arruda as national public health director, Luc Boileau joined the club of $300,000 and more, which now has 15 members.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Tommy Chouinard

Tommy Chouinard
The Press

As provided for in a regulation, Quebec made public on May 15 the remuneration of “holders of a superior job” as of March 31. These are some 430 of the most important mandarins in the Quebec state.

Among them, 117 earn a base salary of $200,000 or more. Many are very close to this threshold: 93 earn exactly $197,303 and 1 person, $199,180. Five executives have compensation between $196,000 and $197,000.

In total, there are therefore 216 executives with a base salary equal to or greater than that of Mr. Legault. There were 195 last year.

The payroll of the 429 mandarins reached 84.3 million, for an average of approximately $196,500. Last year, the list included 417 executives earning an average of $195,400. Their total compensation amounted to 81.5 million. The creation of the Ministry of Cybersecurity and Digital partly explains the addition of executives this year.

Bonuses and other fees

The basic salary does not take into account the indemnities, allowances and office expenses that mandarins receive and which vary greatly. We are talking about $1,500, very often $2,400, but sometimes we go up to $19,000 per year, depending on the case.

In addition to his base salary, François Legault is entitled to office fees of $9,600 per year.

The Dr Luc Boileau earned a base salary of $285,638 last year as CEO of the National Institute of Excellence in Health and Social Services.


The Dr Luc Boileau, acting national director of public health, receives a salary of $305,000.

Now acting national director of public health and assistant deputy minister at the Ministry of Health and Social Services, he earns the same salary as his predecessor Horacio Arruda, that is to say $305,000. He is the only new member of the $300,000+ club this year. Mr. Arruda remained assistant deputy minister, with the same remuneration.

Eight of the 15 members of the $300,000 and more club work at the Ministry of Health or are at the head of an establishment in the network.

The 15 mandarins earning a base salary of more than $300,000

  1. Sophie Brochu, CEO of Hydro-Québec: $598,560
  2. Charles Emond, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec: $550,000*
  3. Guy LeBlanc, CEO of Investissement Québec: $500,000
  4. Louis Morisset, CEO of the Autorité des marchés financiers: $465,905
  5. Catherine Dagenais, CEO of the SAQ: $453,952
  6. Jean-François Bergeron, CEO of Loto-Québec: $450,109
  7. Lucie Opatrny, assistant deputy minister at the Ministry of Health: $360,525
  8. Yves Ouellet, Secretary General at the Ministry of Executive Council: $325,810
  9. Fabrice Brunet, CEO of the CHUM: $311,812
  10. Michel Delamarre, CEO CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale: $311,812
  11. Sonia Bélanger, CEO of the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal: $311,812
  12. Pierre Gfeller, CEO of the MUHC: $311,812
  13. Martin Beaumont, CEO of the CHU de Québec–Laval University: $311,812
  14. Luc Boileau, assistant deputy minister at the Ministry of Health and acting national public health director: $305,000
  15. Horacio Arruda, assistant deputy minister at the Ministry of Health: $305,000

* To this salary are added bonuses and other elements which have increased his remuneration to 6.3 million last year.

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