Barrage to Marine Le Pen, agreements in the legislative elections, assessment of the presidential election of the Greens … Julien Bayou’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Julien Bayou, national secretary of Europe Écologie-Les Verts and regional councilor of Île-de-France, was the guest of the “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Sunday April 17, 2022. Barrage to Marine Le Pen, legislative agreements, assessment of Yannick Jadot’s presidential campaign … He answers questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Jean-Jérôme Bertolus.

“I expect nothing from Emmanuel Macron, my vote is not worth support”

“I expect nothing from Emmanuel Macron, I ask him nothing: my vote and that of the environmentalists is not worth discharge, is not worth support”, says Julien Bayou. Asked following Emmanuel Macron’s announcements on ecological planning during his meeting on Saturday April 16 in Marseille, Julien Bayou did not mince his words: “He had 5 years to act and he didn’t, he was condemned for climate inaction, so there is no reason to really believe in his promises.” Nevertheless, the general secretary of EELV will vote for Emmanuel Macron: “I’m not doing it for him, but for my country, to safeguard freedoms, to protect our democracy, because the far right is a danger”.

Very critical of the ecological assessment of the outgoing president, Julien Bayou recalls that the High Council for the Climate, “which he set up himself”considered “that the policy carried out does not put us on the right line of the Paris agreements”. Julien Bayou takes the example of thermal renovation, “a major issue” which relieves at the same time “the wallet and the international energy bill”on which “we are incredibly late”deplores the ecologist. “I’m not going to give you an article about an eco-friendly Emmanuel Macron, I don’t believe it”he concludes.

Legislative: Bayou calls for a discussion between EELV and LFI “before the second round”

“There needs to be a discussion [entre Europe Écologie-Les Verts et La France Insoumise] take place before the second round of the presidential election to prepare for the legislative elections”, launches Julien Bayou. If he admits “points of disagreement, especially on foreign affairs” between the two political parties, the national secretary of EELV recognizes above all “very strong points of convergence with regard to the areas of the Assembly” national. “Yannick Jadot proposed a minimum citizen income, La France Insoumise calls it ‘guarantee of autonomy’, the principle is the same”he explains.

Julien Bayou therefore wishes “at a minimum, a non-competition pact” so that both parties return “together more numerous in the Assembly”. This will allow, according to him, the left to“oppose the climate inaction and the social damage of Emmanuel Macron if he is re-elected”. But the national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens is categorical, “the keys to gathering, to the non-competition pact” are in the hands of La France Insoumise. “She came out on top, it gives her great power and great responsibility”he judges.

Presidential, “failure” of the first round

The result of Europe Ecology-The Greens in the first round of the presidential election “is disappointing, it’s a failure”, laments Julien Bayou. The candidate Yannick Jadot gathered 4.7% of the votes and his campaign “did not work”, assumes the number 1 of EELV. He therefore calls on his party to “ask questions and learn lessons”. And to do this, during a “federal council” organized on Saturday April 16 by EELV, Julien Bayou asked for the production of “a sort of notebook of grievances so that activists can convey their feelings”.

Europe Écologie-Les Verts having failed to pass the 5% mark during the first round of the presidential election, his campaign expenses will not be reimbursed. “It’s a slate, a very heavy deficit of more than five million euros that we have to repay”, regrets Julien Bayou. He recalls that a call for donations was launched, collecting in one week 1.2 million euros. The national secretary of EELV thus salutes “an incredible effort of solidarity” but add that a “extra effort” will be asked to “elected officials who contribute each month”.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Sunday April 17, 2022:

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