Bardella-Ciotti alliance, early legislative elections, LR presidency… Jean-François Copé’s 8:30 a.m. franceinfo

Mayor LR of Meaux, former president of the UMP, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday June 12, 2024.


Reading time: 23 min

Jean-François Copé, LR mayor of Meaux, was the guest of 8.30 franceinfo, Wednesday June 12 (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

Jean-François Copé, LR mayor of Meaux, and former president of the UMP, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” on Wednesday June 12. Bardella-Ciotti alliance, early legislative elections, LR presidency… He answers questions from Jérôme Chapuis and Salhia Brakhlia.

Ciotti-RN Alliance: “All of the leaders” LR have “totally disavowed” Éric Ciotti

Since Sunday evening and Emmanuel Macron’s announcement, “There is a new fashionable sport, it’s poker“, denounces Jean-François Copé, the day after party president Eric Ciotti’s proposal to ally with the RN for the early legislative elections. The Republicans have not “nothing in common with the far right“, affirms for his part the former boss of the right. “All of the “LR” leaders have “totally disavowed“Éric Ciotti, adds Jean-François Copé.

The Les Républicains party must hold an exceptional executive committee this Wednesday afternoon, to decide on the possible exclusion of Eric Ciotti, who refuses to resign. Will he still remain president of the LR? “I don’t think it’s going to happen like that“, says Jean-François Copé

From the moment you are not in line with the party’s values, you are against the statutes, and from there, it becomes complicated to maintain yourself“.

Legislative: “Every time Emmanuel Macron speaks, he loses hundreds of thousands of votes”

Jean-François Copé strongly criticizes Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly. That “no sense“. plague the former UMP executive, “I think what he did was unworthy and scandalous, it’s unforgivable, it’s a mistake“.

For the mayor LR of Meaux, the president “does not want to see that there is a considerable rejection of his person“. During the Europeans, “the more he spoke, the more he overshadowed his candidate’s campaign, the more he caused his camp to lose votes, because the French are suing him for ineffectiveness“.

Jean-François Copé explains that he “it was an intermediate European election, which unfortunately is an opportunity for the French to express their discontent, but Emmanuel Macron had to go on television not an hour later, but two days later, calmly“, and adds that the head of state “played the future of France at poker“.

Anticipated legislative elections: Jean-François Copé warns against “the psychological, economic, financial consequences” of an RN majority

A little over two weeks before the early legislative elections, Jean-François Copé warns against a possible victory for the RN: “We are in a phase of major risk, the French must understand this, it is their portfolio which will be affected first“. Mayor LR of Meaux warns against “the psychological, economic, financial consequences” of such an eventuality.

That would mean tensions everywhere“, he warns, predicting “permanent violence” of “the extreme left“, but also “a stock market dropout“As for businesses, they are going to be “extremely weakened“, catchy “risks of unemployment“.

The economic program of the RN is totally inept“, he charges again.

Jean-François Copé, who pleads for an agreement between LR and the presidential camp, launches “an appeal to reason rather than passion“.


Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Wednesday June 12 2024 :

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