Barcelona takes on Airbnb rentals


Video length: 2 min

Overtourism: Barcelona attacks Airbnb rentals
Overtourism: Barcelona attacks Airbnb rentals

“We will be able to put 10,000 homes back on the rental market,” declared the mayor of Barcelona, ​​where the Airbnb platform will be blocked within five years.

Imagine a city without Airbnb and low-cost rentals. This city is Barcelona, ​​Spain, where Airbnb will have to fold within five years. “We will be able to put 10,000 homes back on the rental market”, said the mayor of Barcelona, ​​Jaume Collboni. A shock measure, because Barcelona experiences mass tourism.

Rents are soaring because of furnished tourist accommodation: +68% in 10 years. The idea of ​​blocking Airbnb could be duplicated by other cities and in particular Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). When requested, the town hall did not wish to communicate. In La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime), the city was counting on the Airbnb law, but with the dissolution of the Assembly, the text is blocked. France has around 1 million Airbnb-type rentals, compared to 300,000 eight years ago.

source site-29