Barbara Opsomer soon back in the OR: “I have cancer cells all over …”

It was Christmas before the hour for Barbara opsomer and Jeremstar ! The youtubeur launched the festivities in the show Baby story, to which the former reality TV candidate was invited. The opportunity for the latter to confide as never before on different subjects. Jeremstar in particular urged her to speak on the “a little stressful time“that she is currently going through.

It comes from the papillomavirus, it’s been a little while since you had concerns on this side and you therefore learned that you had cancer cells in your uterus“, he introduced. And for Gabriel’s mother (7 months) to confirm:”That’s it. In fact, I had a smear ten years ago and I went to see a specialist who told me I had to be careful because I was a carrier of papillomavirus, and that I had to have an irreproachable life. But that was the time when I didn’t really care, when she told me ‘come back and see me next year, we really need to watch this’. And in fact I left lying around for ten years“, she explained with regret.

In a new smear, the results were then naturally not good. “It was scattered all over the uterus so I have cancer cells everywhere, I’m still at level 3 so suddenly the next step is the operation“, she announced. A crucial step that Barbara Opsomer fears a lot …

I’m lucky, it would have been hard to have my uterus removed, especially at my age, you never know if I still want a second child, even if for the moment, I don’t. do not want. And then for a woman it’s really hard to have the uterus removed. Which upsets me, and I talked about my childbirth which was excruciating, it is to go through this operation box again. I dread that day, after now I hope that we will succeed in removing everything and that I will have no more problems afterwards“, she concluded.

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