Barbara Opsomer, her baby covered with red spots: striking images, the pediatrician of no help

Barbara opsomer has been a new woman since giving birth to her first child, Gabriel, now 7 months old. A role of mother that the beautiful brunette of 30 years assumes full time for her greatest pleasure. But having a baby is also a lot of work and above all a lot of worry. This Thursday, December 16, 2021, the former candidate of Secret Story (2017) noted this by noting impressive red patches on his son’s face. Very active on Instagram, she was quick to share in story some pictures with his subscribers to have their opinions on the causes of this rash. (See our slideshow).

Unfortunately, Barbara Opsomer has not yet answered all of her questions. “Maybe it’s eczema that happens during her teething except I can’t see any teeth growing yet. I didn’t change her diet, I changed her sheets yesterday, maybe that’s it … I don’t know, maybe eczema that grows like this …“, she considers.

The one who has already given the reply to Jean Reno for a Netflix film can not count on her pediatrician to see more clearly and for good reason … she does not get along at all with the latter. “And then my pediatrician, I wouldn’t call her urgently to ask her becauseshe is not very competent we will say. Besides, that’s the thing I have to do: find a new pediatrician!“, she announced.

Apart from these sudden rednesses, young Gabriel seems to be doing wonderfully. He is in any case very well surrounded by all the love of his mother to evolve in the best conditions. As for his father, his identity is still very mysterious. Last September, we could nevertheless have some semblance of an idea about his appearance through an astonishing family photo shared by Barbara Opsomer. The former reality TV star also took the opportunity to confess that she had discount with him after a brief rupture that occurred during her pregnancy.

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