Barack Obama wins the “Emmy Award” for best narrator for his documentary series “National Parks: These Wonders of the World”

The Emmy awards ceremony will take place on September 13, but the minor awards are announced now. Former President Barack Obama receives an Emmy for the narration of his documentary series.

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Former President of the United States Barack Obama received an Emmy for the narration of his Netflix documentary series National parks: these wonders of the worldthe American Television Academy announced on September 3. The awards ceremony will take place on September 13, but the minor awards are announced before.

After leaving office in 2017, Barack Obama and his wife Michelle each wrote bestselling memoirs and, in addition to their nonprofit foundation, they started a production company that signed a one-year deal with Netflix. value estimated at tens of millions of dollars. Their company’s first documentary, AmericanFactorywon the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature and an Emmy for Directing, but the awards went to the filmmakers, not the Obamas themselves.

Series National parks: these wonders of the world (Our Great National Parksin its VO in English) released on Netflix last April, is therefore narrated by the former president and invites you to discover some of the most spectacular national natural parks on the planet.

The former American president (2009-2017) has also already won two Grammy Awards, for the audio versions of his memoirs, The Audacity of Hope and Dreams from My Father. Among his distinctions, Barack Obama had also received the Nobel Peace Prize after his victory in the 2008 presidential election, for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation among peoples”.

Other nominees in the storytelling category at the 2022 Emmy Awards include former NBA star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Black Patriots: Heroes Of The Civil War), Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o (Serengeti II) and veteran naturalist David Attenborough (The Mating Game).

Another president had already received an Emmy – Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 – but in his case it was an honorary award. Barack Obama’s successor to the presidency, Donald Trump, did not win an Emmy for his reality TV show The Apprenticeeven though he was nominated twice.

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