Baptiste Sartoria (“The Voice”) bitter, the super-block rule prevented him from choosing his idol

This is one of the voices that caused the most sensation during the second blind auditions broadcast this Saturday, February 17, 2024. Baptiste Sartoria, 21-year-old young man originally from Cannet (Alpes-Maritimes), was unanimous in reprising the hit Die on stage by Dalida. But while he had come with the aim of choosing his idol Zazie if she were to turn around, Vianney decided otherwise… With the divisive rule of the super-block, regularly criticized by fans of the program, Baptiste Sartoria found himself unable to choose the interpreter of I send waltzing, since the latter was super-blocked by its competitor.

If the mechanism is something to make you laugh and aims to energize the concept, it remains no less cruel for the candidates who had initially chosen the aggrieved coach. And in this case, Baptiste Sartoria had come with the sole aim of choosing Zazie… Unfortunately for him, as for many others before him in previous seasons, the mechanics allowed Vianney, Bigflo and Oli and Mika to eliminate the favorite coach, to the great dismay of the talent, who had to, by default, choose another coach. Not holding a grudge, he chose the one who prevented him from choosing the singer, and agreed to join Vianney’s team, alongside Aprile, Maëva, Marco Léna and Victoire Solveig.

Asked by Tele-LeisureBaptiste Sartoria did not mask his bitterness at having escaped the work he could have accomplished with Zazie: “Initially, I think Zazie’s profile was more consistent with what I was proposing” regrets the young man. Before, however, qualifying the default choice he made, by joining Vianney’s team: “But I think that with Vianney’s speech and everything he projected onto my potential career on The Voice, and even afterwards, it immediately appealed to me. It was his speech that made me more affected, so it was a blessing in disguise in the end he declared.

Peak audiences for season 13, Bigflo and Oli in difficulty

For now, of the 14 talents who must make up their respective teams, Vianney is in the lead with five talents picked up in two sessions. He is tied with Mika, back after several seasons of absence, who managed to convince
Manuela, Lance Priester, Gabriel Lobao, Mia and Olema
to join him. Zazie, the only woman of the season, convinced four talents: Stolt, Alphonse, Hamid Khattab and Lize. Finally, only three talents agreed to join the two Toulouse rappers Bigflo and Oli: Jacinta, Sahteene and Mickaël Jiminy. As a result of Camille Lellouche, who acts as a masked coach, the singer has so far saved two candidates not chosen by the coaches:
Eleen and Julia
. This Saturday, these new blind auditions were sold out, bringing together 4 million viewers, 38% of housewives, 50% of 15-24 year olds and 47% of 15-34 year olds. Very nice scores, which will be confirmed during the following stages of the competition.

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