BAnQ, from deficit to deficit

We learn in a very enlightening text by Alice Zanetta, published in The duty of February 14, that 350 employees of BAnQ will go on strike for 5 days and that they have planned a bank of 10 days of strike. When we see the salaries offered there, are we really surprised? Are we really surprised that for some time now, competent and highly qualified staff at all levels have been leaving the ship to look elsewhere for working conditions that better meet their very legitimate expectations? Let’s remember a time not so long ago when the positions posted at BAnQ, at all levels, were truly considered top-of-the-range jobs that attracted the top names in the field of information sciences. Finished, all that?

This article also confirms that BAnQ’s budgets are not indexed, that the institution is surviving from deficit to deficit, which suggests a damaged future. In a text published in The duty on May 24, we took a closer look at the financial context in which the institution was struggling and we concluded that no increase in resources should be anticipated in the short or medium term. Deficit, deficit, deficit is the term that comes up year after year. And yet, we are in a period when our government does not lack resources. So much so that he does not hesitate to provide tax cuts. We declare without flinching that despite the scarcity of resources that the federal government allocates to improve the health sector, we will be able to do with it without problem. In short, we have money. How is it that there are not enough to, at the very least, initiate an upgrade of BAnQ’s budgets? What will it be like when Quebec finances have lost their plumpness?

From here, I can hear BAnQ’s management answering that everything is done to defend the interests of the institution. Well, you’re not doing enough! Finally, you are not as convincing as we had been led to believe. Wake up and go up to the barricades to make the Treasury Board understand that the future of Quebec’s largest cultural institution is at stake. Damn it ! There must be a way for BAnQ to get its head above water before drowning.

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