Banning TikTok in healthcare: impacts on quality content

For a week now, health professionals have no longer been authorized to use the Tiktok platform, a directive which will have effects on several aspects, in particular on access to quality content.

This is what intensivist doctor Joseph Dahine said in an interview with Philippe-Vincent Foisy. The latter, who used the social network not only to generate scientific content, but also to share his daily life in intensive care, published his goodbye message to his subscribers after receiving the directive from the CISSS de Laval.

“Since March 2, 2023, a ministerial decision prohibits the Laval Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS), as well as its employees, from using the TikTok platform to generate and share content. , to recruit staff or for any other purpose”, one can read in this communication.

According to Dr. Dahine, with this new directive, the ministry is proceeding with the exodus of health professionals on Tiktok. “What we are basically creating is an exodus of quality, reliable and verified content for important issues such as health topics. There [les jeunes] will be exposed to less good or more malicious content and potentially have more consequences for society than the application itself,” he explained.

According to him, if there is a real issue with the app, the government should simply ban it rather than ban the content. He thus notes an inconsistency.

“If it’s a container problem, let’s defend the application for everyone. If it’s a content problem, let’s defend the content of health professionals on all platforms, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc., “he said.

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