banned from associating with minors, a man receives a six-month suspended prison sentence after pretending to be a teacher

A man who posed as a teacher in Douai (North) at the end of March, delivering an inconsistent lesson to a class despite a ban on associating with minors due to past sexual assaults, was sentenced Friday April 29 to six months suspended prison sentence.

The court imposed this sentence on him for the theft in the classroom of a book and a key ring, as well as a fine of 500 euros for the intrusion into the school. This flight “serves as support for a much broader condemnation”, because of the “disturbing profile” of the defendant, estimated his lawyer Me Philippe Janneau. The sentence includes a three-year probationary sentence with a ban on coming into contact with minors, and on appearing in places frequented by minors.

The 45-year-old man was already subject to similar prohibitions, and the judge in charge of his socio-judicial follow-up could later decide to send him back to prison for having violated this follow-up. Against this defendant with labored speech, carrying an atypical form of autism, the prosecutor had requested a sentence “exceptional for an exceptional profile” 30 months in prison, 12 of which were suspended on probation.

The man was introduced on March 23 in a primary school in Douai, whose CM1-CM2 class was just waiting for a replacement. After more than an hour of inconsistent lessons, the students alerted the teachers. Dismissed at recess, he left leaving a message asking for an internship. This son of a teacher, an unsuccessful candidate for the IUFM (university teacher training institute), had already tried to enter schools under the pretext of doing an internship there.

He had been convicted in 2003 and 2004 for sexual assault, and in 2013 for an exhibition, recalled the president of the court. Under socio-judicial monitoring for ten years, he had already violated it three times, including by being recruited into a holiday center, which earned him a year and a half in prison.

At the hearing, he repeated that he had gone to this school to “to socialize” and “to experience teaching”, ensuring not to have “touched the children”. He acknowledged a sexual attraction to teenage girls. He also said he followed a voice he said he heard, “Eureka” : “it’s stronger than me”he assures.

The prosecutor considered that her discernment was not abolished. His profile “dangerous”arouses “worry for years”she pointed out. “He can take action anywhere anytime”.

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