ban them, “it’s common sense”, says the Minister of Health

François Braun is in line with the National Committee against Smoking (CNCT) which called for their ban on Monday, to the great detriment of professionals in the sector.

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To fight against smoking, should flavorings be banned in all devices that contain nicotine, with the exception of tobacco flavor? “It’s common sense”replies the Minister of Health, François Braun, invited Tuesday, February 14 on franceinfo. “Why not, in a European logic, it seems much more relevant to me”, he adds. The National Committee against Smoking (CNCT) calls for such a ban.

“We are talking with European colleagues, with the Danes, with the Germans, with the Lithuanians who have the same logic”, continues the Minister of Health. François Braun insists on the fact that this ban, which is still only a hypothesis, “will be effective once we have cohesion at European level”. It points to the risk “well known” only “border commuters cross the border” to get supplies, if France were to act alone.

Attacking the Puffs

François Braun is once again targeting the Puffs disposable electronic cigarettes which are “a way of entering tobacco for young people”. “We must be stricter in the application of the law”he says, while the CNCT revealed in a study, Monday, February 13, that the legislation on advertising is generally not respected in the places where these new products are sold.

“Tobacco still kills 45,000 people a year”underlines the Minister of Health, i.e. “even more” that “the dramatic figures that rose after the earthquake on the border between Turkey and Syria”. Nevertheless, “there is no expected increase in the pack of cigarettes before the end of the year”he says.

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