You can never go wrong when you listen to a record that kora player Ballaké Sissoko has embellished with his nimble fingers. Here, the great Malian musician teams up with South African guitarist Derek Gripper. Classically trained, Gripper has taken a liking to the kora, transposing scores and the manner for his six strings. On the record recorded in tandem by the two great musicians, two traditions meet and converse with their fingertips. The playing of each is of great finesse and soothing virtuosity, without fuss, without stylistic effects, without pretension. Together, they map out a space where the Mandingo tradition intersects with that of Western music, without one seeking to dominate the other. A brilliant collaboration.
Excerpt from Ninkoy by Ballaké Sissoko & Derek Gripper

African music
Ballaké Sissoko & Derek Gripper
Ballaké Sissoko and Derek Gripper