balancing relationships within the food chain

The Égalim law of 2018 was improved in a second version promulgated in the Official Journal in October. Resulting from the General Food Conditions, hence its name, this text is intended to better defend producers and therefore to balance relations within the food industry, dominated for a long time by the giants of distribution.

The permanent price war has not gone away. The “low-cost” theory is a pretense that spoils the food landscape. A price is a negotiation between two parties, and it does not always reflect the real value of the product. The Bleu-Blanc-Cœur association, for example, offers products at their fair value to better remunerate producers.

The former boss of System U, Serge Papin, had been commissioned by the government to prepare this law, presented to Parliament by the deputy of Aube, Grégory Besson-Moreau.

“There is an issue of food sovereignty and sustainability of the model. It has been proposed that, from a contractual relationship between a producer and a processor, the share of agricultural raw materials is no longer negotiable on the next floors. Price that could be described as a farm course. “

Serge Papin, consultant

to franceinfo

So farmers should earn a more decent living, and consumers will also benefit by eating better, buying seasonal produce, taking advantage of good quality animal protein, and avoiding ultra-processed products.

To illustrate this sequence, Thierry Marx offers a pumpkin cream recipe.

Ingredients for eight:

1 pumpkin, 30 g of butter, 1 l of water, 100 g of peanuts, 1 tonka bean, salt, pepper.

Preperation :

Wash the pumpkin, do not peel it. Remove the seeds inside. Crush it into cubes.

Brown the squash cubes in a saucepan with the brown butter. Wet up with water. Cook for 45 minutes.

Crush the peanuts, bind them to the pumpkin cream. Grate the tonka bean.

Serve hot.

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