(Baie-Saint-Paul) The city of Baie-Saint-Paul was hit by a “perfect cocktail” of heavy rain and snow cover in the mountains, authorities said. Victims saw their homes be flooded in less than twenty minutes with the rupture of a protective wall in the city center in the afternoon.
“It happened so quickly that people barely had time to react,” said area resident Daniel Lapointe, who saw a rainstorm invade his neighborhood on Monday afternoon. “It was flowing … it was scary,” he says, pointing to a dike, parallel to rue Ménard, which gave way on Monday afternoon. It has since been urgently repaired with large stones.
A protective wall gave way on Monday afternoon and part of Baie-Saint-Paul was flooded in about twenty minutes. “It happened so quickly,” says Daniel Lapointe.
The damage in rue Ménard, parallel to the dike which broke on Monday
Guillaume Bouchard and his son Samuel observe the emergency repaired dike.
Gaston Gagnon uses a snow shovel to remove the silt accumulated in his driveway.
The road to Saint-Placide was seriously damaged by the waters, Gilles Boivin said he was the last to have taken it before it closed.
Firefighters are monitoring the situation in Baie-Saint-Paul, where some residents were able to return to their homes on Tuesday.
This testimony agrees with those of several other victims who told The Press how their homes were flooded in record time. The mayor of Baie-Saint-Paul, Michäel Pilote, makes the same reading. “The wall gave way,” he told The Press.
The director of public security of the City, Alain Gravel, abounds. The water was violently hitting this protective wall, dragging with it trees and debris. Then “the wall settled and the water started to pass”, he said. Quickly, the firefighters in the area had “their hands full” since they had to evacuate this entire sector of the city as quickly as possible.

The dike which gave way on Monday was urgently repaired with stones.
In rue Notre-Dame, hard hit by the flood, Jean-Pierre Lajoie was emptying his basement using a pump.
There was a river in my yard.
Jean-Pierre Lajoie, disaster victim
Next step for Mr. Lajoie: get rid of “the mountain of sand” that has settled in his parking lot. When the firefighters arrived, the man who has lived in the neighborhood for 40 years only had fifteen minutes to leave his home.
Same haste for his tenant, Paul-Henri Gagné, who only had a few minutes to take his personal effects and his medication. “It happened all of a sudden,” he said.
Falls in the basement
Denis Godbout is a resident of Saint-Joseph Street, the first to be flooded, the one at the water’s edge. Firefighters had warned him that the water was rising. “They said to me, ‘We don’t think the water will get to your house, but be prepared.’ And it seemed to settle, but all of a sudden, it started to rise and in less than 15 minutes, my land was flooded. In the basement, it flowed like waterfalls through the windows, ”says the one who is staying with friends east of Baie-Saint-Paul.
This sudden burst of water is also reported by other citizens of the area, hard hit by the floods.

In less than 15 minutes, Steve Michel’s basement was filled with water.
Rue Notre-Dame, Steve Michel was emptying his basement with a pump. On Monday, he was evacuated to Les Éboulements. “We received friends who were flooded on Saint-Joseph Street, we thought we would be dry,” he said, annoyed.
A neighbor knocked on the door at the back of his residence to warn him that the water was coming from behind. The door to his basement eventually gave way, and it filled with water.
Céline Côté and Ghislain Côté own Rembourrage Côté. The losses are considerable: they have lost furniture and equipment. The building that houses their business belonged to Mr.me Coast. “Even during the floods of 1968, the water did not reach here,” she says, amazed. They are doubly affected; their home was also flooded in another part of town. For them, cleaning will be long. “We are discouraged,” she said.

Céline and Ghislain Côté are doubly affected, their home and their business have been flooded.
In front of the business, Gaston Gagnon uses a snow shovel to clear the silt that has accumulated in front of his residence. His garage and his ground floor passed there. His brother Yvon was there to lend him a hand. They fear that the damage is not insurable.

Work on a road going to Saint-Placide-de-Charlevoix
On the side of Saint-Placide-de-Charlevoix, in the mountainous plateaus at the top of Baie-Saint-Paul, the water came from everywhere, testified several citizens, who found themselves isolated from the world for several hours. On Tuesday, the damage was impressive. A landslide licked a portion of the road that connects the village to Route 138, and the roadway was partly swallowed by a torrent. A witness, Gilles Boivin, claims to be the last to be passed before it becomes impassable. Behind him, he said, a trailer pulled by a van sank into the ground, eaten away by erosion, the asphalt of the road giving way under its weight. “It happened all of a sudden, the calvettes weren’t enough, there was water everywhere,” he said. In the morning, the trailer was still visible, damaged, lying beside the road.
“Perfect Cocktail”
During the day, the Minister of Public Security, François Bonnardel, was reassuring, assuring that compensation programs would be available for the victims. “The worst would be over,” he said during his visit to town, pointing out that Baie-Saint-Paul was hit by a “perfect cocktail”.

Public Security Minister François Bonnardel in Baie-Saint-Paul on Tuesday
Mr. Bonnardel estimates that the approximately 600 people who are waiting to find their homes will have to wait another 48 to 72 hours. “It’s normal that these people want to go back home, see their house if they have lost belongings or whatever, but you have to secure the network,” he said.
For his part, the mayor of Baie-Saint-Paul, Michaël Pilote, believes that despite the preparation for the weekend, the authorities were “caught a little off guard”.
We anticipated a few scenarios. We worked throughout the weekend depending on the weather. It is clear that Mother Nature was stronger than us.
Michaël Pilote, Mayor of Baie-Saint-Paul
Mr. Pilote asserts that the protective wall will now have to be rebuilt. “There are going to be plans to fix everything,” he told AFP. The Press. He will have the opportunity to discuss it with Prime Minister François Legault, who will visit Baie-Saint-Paul this Wednesday to see the extent of the damage.