Bad weather in the Var: no major damage but impressive images

The Var is currently on yellow alert for thunderstorms and rain-flooding. The day was marked by very heavy rainfall, accompanied by hail, almost everywhere in the department. However, some areas were particularly affected. Thereby in Hyères, the equivalent of two months of rain fell in three hours. In Besse-sur-Issole, in one hour, the equivalent of a month of rain.

A “very exceptional” episode

Guest of France Bleu Provence, Yohan Lauritoweather expert with firefighters and founder of the Météo Varoise site, gave some figures about this episode “very exceptional”. “We note 123 mm at Besse-sur-Issole, including 73 in one hour, which is very significant. We also have 65 mm in Carnoules, 50 mm east of Toulon and even more than 50 mm in Porquerolles.”

Given the drought condition in the department, can we say that all this rain is good news? According to Yohan Laurito, “unfortunately when it falls very hard like that, we lose a lot of water by runoff so it’s not very effective. But hey, when it still falls more than 50 mm and locally more than 100 mm it’s still good to take and it will have an effect on the fire risk in some places, at least for the week. It’s always taken in a context that is extremely dry this year.”

Impressive images on social networks

According to the Var firefighters, these bad weather did not cause major damage or cause any casualties. However, in Roquebrune-sur-Argens, the town hall announced that about ten houses were flooded and that four cars were swept away. The Esquieres stream has come out of its bed. On the traffic side, the Toulon tunnel was closed for fifteen minutes at midday, causing disruption on the A57. A plane tree also fell on the road, between Puget-sur-Argens and Fréjus, on the RDN7. She was cut off during the operation.

All day long, photos and videos have been posted on social networks. Taken in Toulon, Revest, Hyères or Bormes-les-Mimosas, some of them are very impressive.

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The day was also intense at sea for the CROSS-MED and the SNSM which had to carry out numerous interventions. No injuries but several boats were damaged.

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