Bad weather: a mega-storm sweeps through Crimea


Bad weather: a mega-storm sweeps through Crimea

On the night of November 26 to 27, a megastorm hit Crimea, a territory annexed by Russia. There, two million homes are without electricity. The authorities are calling on residents to stay at home. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A. Hanquet, @RevelateursFTV, O. Sauvayre

France Televisions

On the night of November 26 to 27, a megastorm hit Crimea, a territory annexed by Russia. There, two million homes are without electricity. The authorities are calling on residents to stay at home.

Waves several meters high crash over the city of Sevastopol in Crimea, a territory annexed by Russia. Throughout the night, this coastal region was the victim of immense flooding. The Black Sea overflowed. It has invaded roads and highways. It is the consequence of an extraordinary storm, already nicknamed “the storm of the century”. Throughout the night of November 26 to 27, hundreds of people had to be urgently evacuated.

Damage in Ukraine

Monday morning, the authorities are asking residents who can to stay at home. Two million people are without electricity in Russia and in the territories occupied by Moscow. This storm also caused great damage in Ukraine. Snow and wind paralyze a large part of the country, causing chaos on the roads and 2,000 villages are plunged into darkness. These weather conditions worry kyiv, they could complicate the situation on the front.

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