Bad news weighs on Boeing stock

This text is taken from Courrier de l’ économique. Click here to subscribe.

The bad news of recent days concerning the American manufacturer Boeing is weighing on its share price. Since the end of December, it has lost around 17% of its value.

And for good reason: on January 5, the door of an Alaska Airlines 737 MAX 9 aircraft came loose mid-flight, forcing the immobilization of the at-risk aircraft. The American civil aviation regulatory agency announced last Thursday the opening of an investigation into a possible failure by Boeing.

This incident, which caused only a few minor injuries, has nevertheless rekindled the debate on the safety of the aircraft manufacturer’s aircraft. In October 2018 and March 2019, two major crashes of 737 MAX planes left 346 dead.

If the American company is experiencing turbulence, its great European rival is doing wonderfully. Airbus shares reached an all-time high last week after several good news announcements. The company has never had so many orders and managed to deliver the number of devices it had set itself in 2023.

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