Bad news, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announces the 3 mandatory criteria to be able to end the vaccination pass

While wearing a mask outdoors is only a long memory for the French, indoors should be able to end by mid-March, according to health announcements by Olivier Véran on February 16. Confirmed by Gabriel Attal on February 18, 2022. On the other hand, concerning the vaccine pass, which has recently been put in place, the conditions are not yet met to be able to live without it.

Facing the Senate Social Affairs Committee on February 22, the Minister of Health remained distant in the face of the benefits generated for the country following the implementation of the vaccination pass: “We are on February 22, with a duration of application of one month, the hindsight is still lacking to take stock of this tool”. Thus, while the government spokesperson hinted at an end for mid-March / early April of this pass, Olivier Véran, he is more cautious. According to him, three non-negotiable conditions are mandatory to lift the obligation of this tool: “We want to maintain great caution in the coming weeks“.

A limited number of intensive care patients

The number of Covid patients in hospitals continues to decline. Especially the severe forms. However, the lifting of the vaccination pass can only be effective when this number of hospitalized patients is around 1,500 in intensive care, so that hospitals regain their pre-pandemic rhythm. Not less. According to him, this prospect could happen “within three weeks”.

A lower incidence rate

The second condition would be to have an incidence rate low enough to take risks, i.e. a maximum of 300 and 500.

Contaminations down sharply

In order to lift the obligation of the vaccination pass in places of high affluence, it will be necessary “an epidemic dynamic that remains on the decline”and therefore the need for a “reproductive factor R permanently less than 1“.

News that finally puts the balance back at 0 regarding the end of the announced health restrictions.

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