Bad air quality: Ironman 70.3 in Mont-Tremblant canceled

The Ironman 70.3 Mont-Tremblant was canceled Sunday morning due to poor air quality in the area.

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This competition, recognized as the half-Ironman, will not take place this year; the presence of ash and high concentrations of fine particles entail a danger to the safety of athletes, indicates the organization.

3030 participants were expected for the start on Sunday, where the disappointment was strong among the athletes.

“I heard the ad that said it was canceled this morning due to the fires. When I woke up, I saw it, I felt it was going to be canceled, mentions triathlete Noémie Bouchard. But to be told for real, to see everyone around start crying… It was a big shock.”

These athletes, from all over the world, have invested significant sums to get to Tremblant. “It’s an investment of time and money. People were ready. The family, the friends around, it’s not just you, it’s everyone. It’s an event where it takes years of training, ”she adds, extremely disappointed.

“Yesterday, I took a picture of a woman who came from Pakistan with her baby, to compete with her husband. It’s disappointing for them, but they understand,” explains a man we met earlier on Sunday.

“The organizer made the right decision, but for the participants, it’s a bit of a depression,” says Pierre Lavoie.

Air Quality Index (AQI)

Air Quality Index (AQI US)



sensitive people


Great day to be active outdoors.


Some people may be particularly sensitive to fine particle pollution

Particularly sensitive people: Consider reducing the duration and intensity of outdoor activities. Pay attention to symptoms such as coughing or shortness of breath. These are signs to slow down.

All the others : Great day to be active outdoors.

AQI: BAD for
sensitive people

Sensitive groups include people with heart or lung disease, the elderly, children and adolescents, minority populations and outdoor workers.

Sensitive groups: Reduce the duration and intensity of outdoor activities. It’s okay to be active outside, but take more breaks. Pay attention to symptoms such as coughing or shortness of breath.

People with heart disease: Symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, or unusual tiredness may indicate a serious problem. If you have any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare professional.

for everyone

Sensitive people: Avoid prolonged or strenuous outdoor activities. Consider rescheduling or moving activities indoors.*

All the others : Reduce the duration and intensity of activities. Take more breaks from outdoor activities.

*Note: If you don’t have an air conditioner, staying indoors with the windows closed can be dangerous in extremely hot weather. If you are hot, go to a place with air conditioning or check with your municipality to see if cooling centers are available in your community.


Sensitive people: Avoid all physical activity outdoors. Postpone it to a time when the air quality is better or move activities indoors.*

All the others : Avoid prolonged or strenuous activities. Consider rescheduling or moving activities indoors.*

*Note: If you don’t have an air conditioner, staying indoors with the windows closed can be dangerous in extremely hot weather. If you are hot, go to a place with air conditioning or check with your municipality to see if cooling centers are available in your community.


All the others : Avoid all physical activity outdoors.

Sensitive people: Stay indoors and maintain a reduced activity level. Follow tips for keeping particulate levels low indoors.*

*Note: If you don’t have an air conditioner, staying indoors with the windows closed can be dangerous in extremely hot weather. If you are hot, go to a place with air conditioning or check with your municipality to see if cooling centers are available in your community.

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