back to the Saint-Etienne match with François Grenet

Bordeaux blew the show and the cold on Wednesday evening against Saint-Etienne. The show because it would have been perfect without the cancellation of Jimmy Briand’s goal and also because the Marine et Blancs delivered a quality first 30 minutes. The cold because we let the greens back in the game

A relaxation poorly controlled by the whole team?

This return of Pascal Dupraz’s men is precisely due to these first 30 minutes of the Girondins de Bordeaux and it is quite possible that the players went from enormous pressure at kick-off to the feeling of being saved in the 23rd minute during of Junior Onana’s goal. The result is a probably human relaxation, surely legitimate but not controlled according to the champion of France 99, François Grenet

It is quite common, and it is not specific to Bordeaux that after scoring a goal there, in this case a second which, on paper, makes the break, there is a little bit of relaxation and decompression. And we know that in those moments, what I call weak times, we loosen the noose, but loosening the noose today, what does that mean? It means reassuring oneself by stepping back a little. It may be an instruction from the coach to say now, the opponent is two goals behind, we will try to regroup and take them on the counter in rapid transition. But we must keep the physical impact in the duels. You have to be in contact with your opponent and that’s where you can’t manage: you’re two meters from the opponent, you’re no longer thirty centimeters away and since there are good players in this Saint-Etienne team, they manage to find breaches and unfortunately, to get back into the game – François Grenet

The coaching of Pascal Dupraz more effective than that of David Guion?

During this decompression comes the first goal from Saint-Etienne. Then comes half-time and coaching, that of Pascal Dupraz in this case because David Guion does not make any changes. And the coach of Saint-Etienne played the shot particularly well according to Yon Ecenarro of France Bleu Gironde

Dupraz made two changes at half-time and in particular, he brought in Thioub. They understood that the danger came from Dilrosun, they cut all the passing lines and then they closed Mangas by putting Thioub in front. Tactically, they played very well. And U.S ? Me, I find in any case that the changes of Guion who arrived in the 75th with guys who gave everything, I think of Mara and even Niang because the fact of cutting the passing lines forced Bordeaux to lengthen the game , to solicit our attackers and the guys, they were burnt at the hour mark. So, I think that tactically too, it’s a victory for Dupraz – Yon Ecenarro

In the 72nd minute, the Stéphanois coach had made all his changes. David Guion made his first substitution 10 minutes after the equalizer for the greens, in the 75th minute. What would have happened if Briand had come home earlier? It’s always easy to ask the question afterwards, but as we can’t rewrite the scenario of this match, let’s hope that in Nantes success will be on the Bordeaux side. A match to live live and in full on France Bleu Gironde on Sunday from 2:30 p.m. for the pre-match and 3:00 p.m. for the kick-off.

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