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In July 2020, in the midst of a health crisis, Jean Castex succeeded the popular Édouard Philippe, then Prime Minister.
In July 2020, in Matignon, Édouard Philippe left his place as Prime Minister to Jean Castex, in charge of the first deconfinement and unknown to the general public. Its first mission was to manage the epidemic crisis and to announce to the French, January 14, 2021, bad news: the implementation of a curfew. At the start of 2021, his government was behind the health pass, transformed a few months later into a vaccination pass, which sparked a wave of protest in the country.
The other major issue for Jean Castex was the soaring prices. Several devices, such as the energy check or the fuel check, have been granted to the French, with the same objective, specified before the deputies, on October 5, 2021: “protect the purchasing power of the most modest, but also that of all consumers of these energies.” Jean Castex, mayor of Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales), will leave as a memory the image of a Prime Minister close to the French, with a characteristic southern accent.