When Let go ended, in the spring of 2020, Sophie Cadieux feared one thing: never again to get other roles as stimulating and different. Today, she breathes more freely. “I am pleasantly surprised to see how much life has put in front of me,” said the actress in an interview.
The year 2021 reassured Sophie Cadieux. And 2022 is well on its way to confirm this feeling.
From January 12, she will be starring in Sleep with me, a psychological suspense crowned with mystery offered for free on ICI Tou.tv. In this series composed of eight episodes of ten minutes, she plays Laurence, a mother who mourns the accidental death of Camille (Emma Lafrenière), her 6-year-old daughter. On the eve of the first anniversary of the tragic event, Laurence begins to experience strange phenomena, which she interprets as manifestations of Camille. Her partner (Ted Pluviose) tries to help her, but he remains convinced that she is hallucinating. Is this really the case?
“It’s a series that touches on fairly troubled areas,” says the actress. I am delighted with the kind of tension there is. It’s very introspective. ”

Sophie Cadieux and Ted Pluviose in Sleep with me
Based on a screenplay by author and musician Mireille Mayrand-Fiset, Sleep with me represented a great challenge for Sophie Cadieux, who had to express a varied range of emotions without always using speech. The series actually includes several moments of silence during which the actress appears alone, in front of the lens of director Charles Grenier (District 31, Crimson).
“Everything was very well described,” she says. Laurence slowly climbs the stairs, she hesitates, she hears something … The directions were precise. With each scene, I had a course to follow. For me, it was as concrete as words. ”
Sleep with me includes several scenes on edge. Sophie Cadieux is also out of the shooting of 14 days exhausted, in September.
My body was so tired of the psychological state I had to put myself in that I got home, and went to sleep. It was exhaustion as if I had been running all day. The scenes of tension, tears, disarmament… Mysteriously, they are very physically demanding.
Sophie Cadieux, actress, about the shooting of Sleep with me
A bountiful year
Sleep with me is added to the many projects that have occupied Sophie Cadieux since the summer of 2020.
Last year, his name appeared in the credits of four series: Black beast (in which she camped a coroner), The breakaway (an investigator), King Street (a lawyer reorienting her career) and Lou and Sophie (a mother running out of solutions).

Sophie Cadieux plays the investigator Maya Déry in The breakaway.
At the theater, she starred in the plays The Queens at TNM and Feminist for men at the C.
After playing a woman in burnout in Let go, and won three Gemini prizes in passing, the actress has certainly not been idle.
“When you do a big series for four years, you want people to keep thinking of you afterwards for all kinds of projects, for all kinds of roles. Not just to play burnout girls. I wanted to do something else. I wanted to show other facets, explore new areas, propose new characters, and above all, continue to do the job I love. This is what this year has allowed me to do. For me, this is the best gift. ”
Suburban teen
In 2022, Sophie Cadieux hopes to shoot the second season of Lou and Sophie, a series written by Yannick Éthier (The cottage, The academy) which tells the story of the passage to adulthood of two teenage girls (Jade Charbonneau and Zeneb Blanchet) having completed their secondary school. She plays Caroline, Lou’s mother, with whom she has a very confrontational relationship.
“I went so crazy while reading the texts! exclaims the 44-year-old actress. I’m no longer their age, but I identified a lot with the characters of Lou and Sophie. This life in the basement, of parties a little flat, of conformity … I found my grunge adolescence in the suburbs, made up of impossible getaways because I lived in Laval and that I had no tank and no driving license. to drive. ”

Sophie Cadieux with Jade Charbonneau in Lou and Sophie
Sophie Cadieux liked the attention to detail shown throughout the filming by Sandra Coppola and Félix Tétreault, the tandem of directors. She also liked the naturalistic aesthetic they adopted.
“I’m really proud to be part of a show like this. I keep my fingers crossed that there is a sequel because I believe there is still a lot to say. ”
A blow
Sophie Cadieux was due to fly to Paris last week, since over the next few days, she is due to perform the play there. 4.48 Psychosis, by British author Sarah Kane. But due to a certain lingering COVID-19 pandemic, great uncertainty now hangs around the project.
In Quebec, the actress plans to tread the boards of the Quat’Sous in the spring with Kathleen Fortin in All things, by Fanny Britt. But once again, the recent closure of performance venues casts a shadow over the adventure.
“It’s a big blow,” says Sophie Cadieux. We cannot believe that we are falling back into the same pattern. “
Everyone is doing their part, but there is still a feeling of injustice, in the sense that there is no outbreak in the rooms, people are respectful, but it is still us who will eat the slap for an indefinite time, like restaurants.
Sophie Cadieux, actress
The actress remains optimistic, however, thinking of the sold-out performances she gave last fall, a sign that public interest in the performing arts remains intact … or almost.
“People were there, but they no longer buy their tickets in advance. For Feminist for men, there could be 100 tickets left at noon, then at 8 p.m., it was full. It makes the performing arts puzzle extremely difficult. Now, it is only after a series of performances, seeing the entries, that we realize that we could have programmed three other shows. Consumption habits have changed. We will have to look at this. ”
Sleep with me landed on ICI Tou.tv on January 12. Series Lou and Sophie is available on ICI Tou.tv Extra. VAT present The breakaway Mondays at 8 p.m. Directed by Alexia Bürger from a text by Fanny Britt, the play All things will be presented at the Théâtre de Quat’Sous from April 19 to May 14.