Back to school for MPs, vote for the perch expected from 3 p.m.



The deputies of the 17th legislature of the Fifth Republic will elect their president this Thursday, while on the left, negotiations to choose a candidate for Matignon continue.

What there is to know

A new face at the rostrum of the National Assembly. The deputies meet for the first time on Thursday, July 18 to elect the president of the National Assembly, a vote with an uncertain outcome in a deeply fragmented chamber where a draft government coalition could emerge. Three rounds may be necessary to decide between the candidates, starting at 3 p.m., as there are so many unknowns in this Assembly fractured into three blocs. Follow our live feed.

Candidates in the running for the perch. Outgoing president Yaël Braun-Pivet wants to run again, but must face the competing candidacy in her own camp of Horizons MP Naïma Moutchou. She will also have to convince against the joint candidacy of the left led by André Chassaigne and that of centrist Charles de Courson (Liot). Also in the running, the RN Sébastien Chenu. The Republican Right (ex-LR) has chosen Philippe Juvin.

No candidate for the MoDem. LThe MoDem will not present a candidate for the presidency of the National Assembly and will support the candidacy of the outgoing Macronist president Yaël Braun-Pivet, franceinfo learned from the group. MoDem deputies have long hesitated to present their own candidate.

The idea of ​​a left-wing vote for Matignon does not have consensus. Invited to franceinfo, Clémence Guetté rejects the idea of ​​having the deputies of the New Popular Front vote to agree on the name of a Prime Minister.There may be demagogic solutions which consist of saying ‘let’s make the deputies vote'”, she said. The idea was proposed by the communists and supported by the socialist Olivier Faure on BFMTV-RMC this Thursday.

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    #POLICY “Don’t disappoint us before you have even governed”CGT Secretary General Sophie Binet told left-wing elected officials during the demonstration held at Place de la République in Paris. “Rise to the fight,” she added, in front of a crowd chanting: “Don’t betray us!”

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    the latest news

    0 sec ago

    It’s 2 p.m., here’s a new update on the news:

    • #NICE At least seven victims, including three children and a teenager, died in a building fire in Nice. “Three individuals are being sought,” announced Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who arrived on the scene with Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. Follow our live.
    #POLICY Voting day at the National Assembly. The 577 deputies will participate, starting at 3 p.m., in the election of the president of the National Assembly. We explain why this election will be decisive well beyond the chamber. Follow our live.
    • #EU It is also voting day in the European Parliament. Ursula von der Leyen has been trying to convince MEPs to give her a second term as head of the European Commission, by developing a broad roadmap to secure a majority potentially extending from the Greens to Giorgia Meloni’s party. Immigration, environment, housing… here are What to remember from this roadmap.
    #TOUR DE FRANCE The 18th stage of the Tour is underway. The real start has been given and even if the last kilometers are flat, the course of the stage is very hilly, with five passes and climbs to climb in 179.5 km. Follow our live.
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    #POLICY Less than two hours before the start of the vote in the National Assembly, a rally is underway on the Place de la République in Paris. It is organized at the call of the CGT and associations, which want to maintain the “popular pressure” and that the results of the legislative elections are “heard and applied”describes our journalist Alice Galopin, present on site. She interviewed several activists present.

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    #POLICY A small change in the hemicycle, before the election for the presidency of the Assembly. La France insoumise announces on X that the parliamentary group will now be called La France insoumise-NFP (for New Popular Front, as you will have understood).

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    #POLICY Hello. For the election to the perch, some candidates can withdraw during the inter-rounds but can others only be candidates from the 2nd or 3rd round, without having participated in the first?

    Thibaud Le Meneec

    franceinfo 0 sec ago

    Good morning @FredMDTHE National Assembly Regulations does not specify this point, but as in a classic election, no new candidacy appeared after the first or second round of the previous ballots.
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    the latest news

    0 sec ago

    At noon, here is a new update on the news:

    • #NICE At least seven victims, including three children and a teenager, died in a fire in a building in Nice. The trail “criminal” is privileged, announces the public prosecutor. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin are going to the scene. Follow our live.
    • #EU Ursula von der Leyen has been trying to convince MEPs to give her a second term as head of the European Commission, laying out a broad roadmap to secure a majority potentially extending from the Greens to Giorgia Meloni’s party. Immigration, environment, housing… Here are What to remember from this roadmap.
    #PARIS2024 As the Olympic Village opens its doors this morning, movement is being restricted in Paris with the launch of the anti-terrorism security perimeter. If you’re having trouble finding your way around, here is a map to help you. Follow our live.
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    #POLICY Hello. You say that parliamentary groups must declare themselves in opposition or not. What is the purpose of this declaration? And in this case, they cannot claim to govern or support a government? Thank you for your clarification.

    Laure Cometti

    franceinfo 0 sec ago

    Good morning @Laboulie. By declaring itself in opposition, a group gains access to certain rights, supposed to guarantee plurality. Opposition groups thus have a parliamentary niche, to defend their bills for one day per ordinary session of the Assembly (once a month, therefore once a year for each opposition group in practice). They can obtain the creation of a commission of inquiry or a fact-finding mission. And half of the questions to the government are reserved for the opposition, during this weekly session.

    Laure Cometti

    franceinfo 0 sec ago

    An opposition group always has the possibility of supporting the government, for example by voting for its bills in the chamber. But tradition dictates that they vote against the government’s general policy statement and against the finance laws. And of course, “the declaration of membership of a group in the opposition can also be made or, on the contrary, withdrawn, at any time”specifies the rules of the Assembly.

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    #POLICY Hello franceinfo. How many days does it take to elect the presidency of the AN, do all the rounds take place on the same day? Thank you.

    Clement Parrot

    franceinfo 0 sec ago

    Good morning @Lupin813. Rest assured, the result should be known in the evening. On the other hand, you may have to watch a little. In 2022, the results of the perch were announced at 6:48 p.m., after two rounds. And this year, it is quite possible that the election will take place in three rounds. If you have any questions about the process, you will find many answers in this article.
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    #POLICY Things are getting serious for the 577 deputies. They are meeting for the first time today to elect the president of the National Assembly as the 17th legislature begins. But the work of parliamentarians would be impossible without an army of people working in the shadows. Parliamentary collaborators, administrative staff… We take you behind the scenes of the hemicycle.
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    #POLICY Hello! Is it possible for all groups to declare themselves in opposition?

    Thibaud Le Meneec

    franceinfo 0 sec ago

    Good morning @QT88 and thank you for your question. In fact, nothing prevents all groups from declaring themselves opposition. “Groups are formed by submitting a political declaration to the presidency (…). The declaration may mention the group’s membership in the opposition. (…) The declaration of a group’s membership in the opposition may also be made or, on the contrary, withdrawn, at any time”precise the rules of the National Assemblydense but useful in these troubled times.
    Thibaud Le Meneec

    franceinfo 0 sec ago

    More prosaically, not all groups have any real interest in declaring themselves in the opposition. This is the case of the New Popular Front, which came in first, and has been struggling to form a government for ten days. This is also the case of the presidential camp, which came second and still aspires to govern by laying the foundations of a coalition.#POLICY

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