Back to school: 68% of the 90,000 carbon dioxide readers have been delivered

MONTREAL – With the start of the school year just days away, the Government of Quebec has delivered 68% of the 90,000 carbon dioxide (CO2) readers it promised to install in all classrooms in all schools by the end of December 2021.

As of Friday, the readers intended for classes deemed priority, therefore those which had recorded readings which went beyond 1500 ppm, are all delivered, according to the Ministry of Education.

“This is an ambitious, very large-scale operation, which involves 3,600 buildings,” said Caroline Imbeau, assistant deputy minister at the Quebec Ministry of Education during a technical briefing for the journalists about air quality in schools.

“The ministry has a reserve of air exchangers, to date, nearly 400 devices have been installed in learning rooms by educational institutions. The reserve has about a hundred devices, and we will receive other exchangers soon and they are ready to be sent to educational organizations that request them,” added the assistant deputy minister.

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