Back to school 2022: Clément Beaune affirms that there is still a lack of “a little less than 4,000 school bus drivers”


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Clément Beaune, the Minister Delegate in charge of Transport, is the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Thursday August 25.

Thursday August 25, Clément Beaune, the Minister Delegate for Transport, is the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2. To begin with, he comes back to his idea of ​​regulating private jet flights: “This is a debate that exists in several countries and at European level. For the minister, tax private jets more “may be an option”. “There can be measures of transparency, accountability”he adds. “I don’t believe in the general ban”specifies Clément Beaune.

“There are measures that will be very profound: we are investing in rail so that our transport is less polluting, for example. And then there are measures, I assume, which are symbolic. Symbolic is not anecdotal”, says the minister. To the approach of the new school year, how much is missing of school bus drivers? “Today it’s just under 4,000 bus drivers”specifies Clément Beaune.

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