Back to school 2022: a press conference by Pap Ndiaye in a tense context


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The Minister of National Education, pap Ndiaye, will make his first press conference of the start of the school year, Friday August 26. A press conference in a tense context, as explained by journalist Madjid El Khiatlive from the Ministry of National Education, in Paris.

To six days before the start of the school year, the Minister of National Education, pap Ndiaye, will make his first press conference of the start of the school year, Friday August 26. “There will be no shortage of questions, the Minister of National Education, but he should not announce anything new since yesterday, Emmanuel Macron took the floor by evoking the salary increase for teachers: ‘No teacher will start their career under 2,000 euros per month’. A salary increase planned for September 2023″reports journalist Majid El Khiatlive from the Ministry of National Education (Paris).

“Another hot file on the table for the Minister of National Education for this new school year: the recruitment of teachers, since there are still nearly 3,000 positions to be filled. Yesterday, on the set of 20 Hours, the Minister of National Education explained: ‘We are doing the best, we have to deal with the situation which is tense.‘ For some unions, the speech of Emmanuel Macron yesterday would explain a tutoring on the part of the Head of State on the Minister of National Education”concludes the journalist.

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