Back to normal Gare du Nord after the big mess of the weekend

The trains are running normally again at the Gare du Nord in Paris, the traffic returned to normal on Monday June 6 in the morning, after the big mess on Sunday. Traffic has resumed “everywhere”, explains the SNCF. The traffic is remained interrupted for many hours on Sundayafter one catenary break in La Plaine-Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), it remained disrupted until late Sunday evening, which caused a big mess in the largest station in Europe.

SNCF promises refunds

A TGV Paris-Lille “experienced a catenary incident on Sunday at Saint-Denis. The cause of this incident could be linked to last night’s storms in Ile-de-France, but we are not sure”, explained a spokeswoman for the SNCF. The passengers of the TGV concerned had to be evacuated and transferred to another train. The railway company assures that all users who have suffered delays will be reimbursed. They can now complete the G30 online form. The travelers most affected by these delays will be reimbursed at “200%”.

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