back pain, a very common pain


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

M.-P. Samitier, A.Sarlat, M.Cazaux, L.Michel – France 2

France Televisions

This is one of the major health problems of our time: back pain, back pain or lumbago. The real term is low back pain and this concerns 80% of French people.

Nicolas Rimbault never goes out without his cushion because it allows him to no longer suffer from terrible pain in the lower back. To get to work, he drives his car every day, which is equipped according to the expert advice of an ergonomist. “These cushions absorb shocks, keep a skeletal posture completely in line with the position and it allows me to be able to travel by car without having back pain”explains Nicholas.

A ball to prevent back pain

Back pain is very common. According to Health Insurance, four out of five people will suffer from low back pain during their lifetime. In offices, balls are increasingly replacing the chair, a way to prevent back pain. The success of balloons is such that it is found in private homes. Matthieu Auclert is a bus driver. At home, he uses the ball to relieve back pain. A ball costs on average a hundred euros.

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