back on the rout against OL with Philippe Lucas

When a midfielder trips on the mat, it can sometimes be seen, often smile, but in the end there is often a teammate to catch him behind. When you are a goalkeeper, the sanction is immediate.

The goalkeeper has no room for error.

Gaëtan Poussin has had the cruel experience of this since his huge footwork error against Lyon on Sunday afternoon. The second Lyonnais goal is for him and the young 23-year-old goalkeeper did not hide, taking responsibility in front of the media and his teammates. A native of Bordeaux, he arrived at the Girondins at the age of 15, coached by the former defensive midfielder of the Navy and White, Philippe Lucas, not surprised by the attitude of his former “pupil”.

I’m not surprised because he’s someone who already showed a lot of maturity when he was at the training center. Now what’s happening to him is crash training. It’s true that the high level is different from the youth teams, it has nothing to do. There is pressure, especially at the moment, the pressure of the result, the pressure of the public, the pressure of the leaders of the journalists. So he is taking a lot, but I know he has the ability to bounce back. He’s a strong guy in the head and the proof is that he assured right away, even a little too much, moreover. He took the defeat for himself, while the failure is not only the failure of Gaëtan, it is that of the whole team. Now, he mustn’t flagellate himself either because next Wednesday he might be the one to save the team and earn the points needed to head towards retention – Philippe Lucas

Who to keep the goals for Bordeaux against Saint-Etienne?

Benoit Costil has become number 2 since the match against Montpellier for reasons of sports performance said coach David Guion. After this error, undeniably on the part of certain supporters and observers, the question of who will start against Saint-Etienne will be asked. Especially since the disappointments do not stop there for the Bordeaux goalkeepers as Dorian Bercheny of France Bleu Gironde reminds us.

There is also this history of theft which resurfaces today; A young player is said to have stolen from the Bordeaux locker room and according to Gilbert Brisbois, one of the journalists from RMC Sport, it would be the third goalkeeper in the Bordeaux squad who committed these thefts. That means that you have Gaëtan Poussin in doubt after this error, Benoît Costil, we don’t really know what psychological state he is in, has he managed to recover from this very painful episode against Montpellier and a third goalkeeper who, a priori, is in turmoil. It’s nice to have the big smile of Greg Coupet who brings a lot to the Bordeaux staff and in particular his little smiles and the support of his goalkeepers, the situation is difficult. Be careful, because it is a key position and it should not sink to the level of all the goalkeepers of the Girondins de Bordeaux – Dorian Bercheny

This is one of the additional questions that David Guion will have to answer when composing his team before playing one of the most important matches of the season. Wednesday at 8:45 p.m. at the end of the 33rd day of Ligue 1, one of the two historic clubs in our championship, Bordeaux or Saint-Etienne, will be a little more about its near future.

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