Back on the physical evolution of the famous actress!

Born September 30, 1975 in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, Marion Cotillard was destined to become an actress. Since birth, the pretty brunette has been immersed in this environment since her mother Niseema Theillaud and her father, Jean-Claude Cotillard, were both actors. It is therefore no great surprise that from high school, she headed for the theater before joining the Orleans Conservatory of Dramatic Arts in the early 90s. Very quickly, she established herself in the 7th art as the one of the most promising actresses of her generation. From “Taxi” to “Dikkenek” via “A long engagement Sunday”, Marion Cotillard will even succeed in making a place for herself in Hollywood cinema thanks to her interpretation of Edith Piaf in the successful feature film “La Môme “. A role that won her the Oscar for best actress in 2008.

A role that suits him like a glove

Since then, Marion Cotillard has not stopped and the more the years pass, the more she becomes a monument of French cinema. Recently, she played the sublime Cleopatra in Guillaume Canet’s film, “Asterix and Obelix: The Middle Empire”. A character she had a lot of fun playing. ” What I really liked about the project, beyond playing a legendary character, is that it was in a comedic tone. I don’t shoot much of them even though I love watching them. And embodying Cleopatra in a comic mode was very joyful. Knowing in addition that my favorite album of Asterix and Obelix was precisely Asterix and Cleopatra… The difficulty for me in comedy is to find the happy medium, not to do too much, but not to do too little either “explained the actress in a recent interview for Madame Figaro. At 47, Marion Cotillard has nothing left to prove!


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