back on the difficult implementation of the technical control of cars and utilities 30 years ago

The Minister of Transport affirms, Tuesday, November 1 in the 4 Truths on France 2, that the technical control of two-wheelers will be “the least penalizing possible” for motorcyclists. Clément Beaune reacted to the decision of the Council of State which reinstated technical control for motorized two-wheelers on Monday, by canceling the government decree repealing its establishment. 30 years ago, the implementation of the technical inspection of cars and utility vehicles was not easy either.

>> Technical inspection for two-wheelers: why the date of application is still unclear

On January 1, 1992, when technical control became compulsory, the French car fleet showed major weaknesses. “Of 25 million cars in circulation, 10% would be real wrecks that could not drive in Germany, Belgium or Spain, where compulsory controls are already in force. Europe obliges, France is in line” announces a television report of the time.

At the time, road accidents caused three times more deaths than today and one in five accidents is caused by the poor condition of the vehicle. The technical control is officially introduced for all cars and utilities over five years old and must be carried out every three years. But to give time to the French and the technical control center, in 1992, only cars over ten years old are concerned.

The number of checkpoints is also two and a half times less than today and repairs are only compulsory if the brakes are in poor condition. Despite everything, many motorists find themselves stuck in the countdown. “We have two cars with anniversaries in January, so we really need to hurrycomplains a motorist. The gendarmerie could have a list of technical centers, or insurers, but the insurer is completely lacking.

It is true that on January 1, 1992, there were only 500 establishments in the whole of France, thirteen times less than today. But the technical control market will then develop considerably. In 1992, the technical control cost on average 250 francs, which corresponds to 57 euros today, taking into account the monetary erosion for 30 years. As for the fine for lack of technical control, it was set at 900 francs, the equivalent of 210 euros today.

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