baccalaureate holders happy to discover the results

In France, 710,000 General and Technological Terminale high school students impatiently awaiting the results. At 10 a.m., the doors of the Bertran de Borne examination center in Périgueux opened its doors, letting in about fifty candidates who came to the entrance hall for the occasion: head for the notice boards with the results. Positive results for a large majority of them.

A majority of admission to the baccalaureate

Gabriel obtained his baccalaureate, with honors, without surprise: the important thing for him was to bring home the mention. “My mother asked me for a message to give her the result, with a mandatory mention, otherwise it would have been bad news for her” reports the future medical student. It was less obvious for Julie-Agnel who nevertheless comes out with the same mention. “I am very surprised, I did not think I would have it because of a test that I missed a little” wonders the young girl.

Some families accompanied also the students for this event. Marianne’s mother and aunt discovered the results at the same time as her: obtaining the baccalaureate with honors. “It’s a new life that begins for her” was moved Marie-Pierre, his mother.

Bulletin boards are no longer popular

Remy Guimbail, History-Geography teacher at Bertran high school in Born for twenty years, observes that there is less and less people moving to see the results on the school grounds. “It’s no longer the excitement of 5, 6 years ago: at the time it was jumping everywhere, there were some cries of joy, some tears. There, I see some students but especially adults” describes the teacher. The reasons according to him? “Internet, the fact that the bac is less important since Parcoursup, the reform of high schools has also reduced the bac” he lists.

I was looking forward to seeing them because we’ve been talking about them for so long

For Rémy, who is destined to a management school in Savignac-les-Eglises, it was very important to go to the school to consult the results. “I couldn’t wait to see them because we’ve been talking about them for so long. It’s only once in a lifetime so you have to make the trip” explains Remy. While waiting for his entry into higher education, Rémy and his friends intend to celebrate the good news, starting this evening.

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