Bac, patent, CAP, BTS… Discover the calendar of the last tests and results

Still a few weeks before the holidays. Over 520 000 senior high school students from general and technological high schools face the test of great oral until July 1st. But they are not the only ones : first year students must also prove themselves orally, in French this time. While their comrades in the professional session still have to work on writing for a few days.

Franceinfo has compiled the dates of the last tests and the results of the main exams.

General and technological baccalaureate

Great oral. It takes place between June 20 and July 1.

French oral test. It takes place from June 20. Only first graders are affected.

Results. They will be published on July 5 at 9 a.m. on the National Education website. They will also be displayed in the establishments where the candidates took their examination. And they will be available on the dedicated page of

Catch-up tests. They will take place from July 6 to 8.

Replacement proofs. They will take place from September 7 to 12.

Professional Bachelor

Written tests of general education. They take place between June 14 and 24. Timetable details are available. here.

Results. They will be published on July 5 at 10 a.m. on the National Education website. They will also be displayed in the establishments where the candidates took their examination. They will also be available on the dedicated page of

Catch-up tests. They will take place from July 6 to 8.

Replacement proofs. They will take place from 6 to September 16.


Written tests. They will take place on June 30 and July 1. The full schedule of events can be viewed here.

Oral test. It takes place between April 15 and July 1.

Specific oral tests. For them candidates from international college sections and Franco-German establishments, cEach headteacher of the establishments concerned sets the timetable for taking these tests, preferably after the class council for the third quarter, indicates the site

Foreign language test. It will take place on Friday July 1 in the afternoon. Only candidates taking the diploma outside the school framework (individually) are concerned.

Results. They will be published on July 8 on the websites of the academies, but also on the dedicated page of

Replacement proofs. They will take place on September 12 and 13. Detailed timetables are available here.

Professional aptitude certificates (CAP)

Results. They are published between the end of June and July 8, depending on the academies, and are available on their websites. Consult your convocation to know the date of publication of the results in your academy. You can also consult them on the dedicated page of

Replacement proofs. They will take place on September 19 and 20. Detailed timetables are available here.

Higher technician certificates (BTS)

Results. Between June 21 and July 9 depending on your academy. They are available online on the websites of the academies, but also on the dedicated page of

Catch-up tests. They will take place before July 13, depending on the dates set by your academy.

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