“Baby Shark” and “Macarena” broadcast on a loop to disperse demonstrators

The reaction of the crowd was not that hoped for by the authorities since the mobilized people danced in the mud to the tunes supposed to force them to disperse.

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Will the anti-vaccine protesters crack? While they have been camping for a week on the lawns of the New Zealand Parliament, in Wellington, the authorities tried to stun the demonstrators, Sunday February 13, by broadcasting infernal music at the top of their voices, in particular Baby Shark, Macarena and mandyfrom Manilow.

But the hundreds of protesters, inspired by Canada’s self-proclaimed “freedom convoy”, danced in the mud to tunes meant to force them to disperse, and fought back with their favorite hits.

Superintendent Corrie Parnell, chief of police in Wellington, the New Zealand capital, did not appreciate this facetious tactic of Parliament, which seems to have strengthened the resolve of the demonstrators.

“These are certainly not tactics or methodologies that we would endorse, and we would have preferred that not happen,” he told Radio New Zealand, again urging protesters to move the vehicles still blocking the streets.

Police have taken a non-violent approach since an attempt to forcibly clear the lawns on Thursday, which led to brutal clashes and more than 120 arrests, but only hardened protesters’ resolve.

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