B.lovd | Self-love, one cookie at a time

Everyone loves cookies. This sweet treat is even better when it contains a positive and rewarding message. This is what the Montreal company B.lovd offers with its personalized and gourmet cookies.

Karyne Duplessis Piché

Karyne Duplessis Piché
Special collaboration

The concept of B.lovd is reminiscent of the famous Chinese cookie. However, the Montreal-based company’s pancakes are very tasty and each contain a different message “which reminds us to be gentle and kind to ourselves,” says the founder, Rachelle Claveau.

In the midst of a pandemic, this mother wanted to send a positive message to her daughters, far from the pressure imposed by social networks, she says. She wanted her cookies to be a gift “from oneself to oneself”.


Rachel Claveau, with her two daughters

In its original version, called classic, each cake contains a rewarding message such as “You are perfection itself!” Or “Love yourself with all your might!” “.

However, B.lovd’s kind words are so popular that just a few months after the creation of the company, Rachelle Claveau created a “business” version of his messages.

With thoughts like “Thank you for making us smile”, pancakes make a great gift.

A bilingual edition and a holiday edition can also be chosen when ordering.

From ideation to production

  • We had to develop a biscuit texture allowing the message to be inserted.


    We had to develop a biscuit texture allowing the message to be inserted.

  • Each cookie has a positive message.


    Each cookie has a positive message.

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Adding a kind word to a cookie, however, is easier to imagine than to achieve, even for a pastry enthusiast like Mr.me Claveau. “I took a course to be a cookie pro,” she admits. It took me a texture that allows me to insert the message while using only ingredients that you have in your kitchen. ”

A total of six varieties are offered on the B.lovd site, including vegan and gluten-free options. The most popular, however, are Lola and Kaki. Unsurprisingly, these two cookies contain chocolate.


Each box contains eight cookies.

The patties are cooked every day and they are individually wrapped to keep freshness. The packaging is eco-friendly and, above all, very beautiful! It was designed by the advertising agency Publicis, including Mme Claveau is the president.

Each box contains eight cookies… and an untold amount of love.

Price: starting at $ 21.50 for a box of 8 cookies, available online.

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