Baku justifies this dismissal of two employees of the French embassy in the name of activities “incompatible with their status”.
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Azerbaijan announced Tuesday, December 26 in a press release the expulsion of two French diplomats for activities “incompatible with their status”in a context of tensions between the two countries over Paris’ support for Armenia in the face of threats of invasion from its neighbor.
The French Ambassador, Anne Boillon, was summoned to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be notified “a firm protest against the actions of two employees of the French embassy”detailed Azerbaijani diplomacy.
The Turkish news site TRT, which had access to the Azerbaijani statement, reports that“it has been brought to the attention of the French Ambassador that two employees of the embassy have been declared persona non grata by the Azerbaijani government due to their activities not suited to diplomatic status and contrary to the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations of 1961.” The two diplomats must leave Azerbaijan within 48 hours, specifies the same source.
Tensions over conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
After the annexation of the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh at the end of September, Armenia fears that the richer and better armed Azerbaijan will is trying to connect the Azerbaijani enclave of Nakhichevan to its territory by force – by encroaching on southern Armenian territory.
In this context of high tensions, Paris supports Yerevan and has strengthened its military cooperation by agreeing in particular to sell ground-to-air defense equipment to its long-standing partner. Enough to annoy Azerbaijan, which is increasing military training with Turkey, another nation hostile to Armenia.