Aymeric Pataud Délices et Sens chose the year 2004

Side flavor on Sunday welcomes a guest who necessarily has something to do with cooking, chef, craftsman, producer, all those who have to do with the food trades as we say in the jargon of the kitchen.

Aymeric Pataud of Délices et Sens, creator of 100% natural and organic flavors is our guest this sunday

In 2004 Aymeric opened his first restaurant on Reunion Island and published his first book on essential oils.

Events in 2004

  • Claude Nougaro leaves us
  • Tsunami in Thailand
  • In 2004 it is the Orange Revolution in Ukraine on the occasion of the presidential elections.
  • August 2004, eruption of the piton de la fournaise which gave rise to a huge lava flow

Almost every flow leaves a lava tunnel which can be visited once cools of course. The most visited tunnels today are those of the 2004 flow. The flowing and abundant lava descended to the sea. The edges and the ceiling of the flows solidified and when the eruption stopped, the lava continued its progress towards the sea leaving behind tunnels. Inside these tunnels, the lava has sculpted true works of art with extraordinary colors.

Short visit with Robi Soriano, mountain guide of one of these lava tunnels.

In 2004 we were humming in the cottages

  • “Facing the sea” Calogéro Passi
  • “My Revolution” Jennifer
  • “Sunrise” by Norah Jones
  • “The soundtrack of the choristers” by Bruno Coulais
  • Corneille “Since we come from afar” is the choice of Aymeric Pataud, a kind of hymn to “Carpe Diem”

To follow the news of Aymeric Pataud, it’s here

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